Hey All! I just wanted to share some thoughts before I head to California tomorrow. I am not sure how much I will have the internet there so I will write before I leave. I am excited about going to the warmth and spending some quality time with the family.
I have been thinking a lot lately about something I read in one of the books I am reading. It said when the rich meet the poor the would be driven to give and when the poor meet the rich riches have no value. The Author goes on to say that this combination will cause poverty to end. I have been thinking about how I don’t believe this to be true. Poverty cannot be ended because of our sin nature. Because we are sinful people we are fueled by pride, selfishness and greed. There will always be those that will cling to their money and in society money will always be the key to happiness.
I have also thought a lot about how pride is the reason for most conflicts. Our pride gets in the way of saying that we were wrong. Our selfishness gets in the way of taking the time to really get to know someone ’cause it’s far easier for us to just be casual acquaintances. Our pride gets in the way of us telling people that we have a problem with them because we believe that we can fix the problem all by ourselves. I’m beginning to think that Pride is the root to all sins. That we are constantly fighting our pride, all our lives, just to be somewhat normal and able to function as ragdolls for God. Pride is our fall, our problem.