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“It is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day”
Scott Fitzgerald 
Life has been really mundane lately.  I seem to have absolutely no motivation. On a normal day I would be loading the dishwasher, cleaning the counters, doing laundry and just tidying up the house, but just taking a shower takes will power. While the recent events have definitely weighed in on this, there is something much deeper that I am very hesitant to talk about. 
I AM not ashamed of my faith, or my occupation. I am not ashamed of my family (though the definitely embarrass me.)It is depression . . . 
Because Whether they’re in the church or not, tend to be
unkind toward those who are depressed. There was a recent poll
sponsored by the U.S. National Mental Health Association and half of
those polled said that, even though they or their family members have
suffered from depression, less than half considered it a health
problem, and 43% saw it as a “sign of personal or emotional weakness.
People everywhere seem to have little patience with those who suffer
mentally. Many Christians seem to accept and even be willing to help
those who are physically in need, but at the same time tend to have
less sympathy for those who are depressed.
My father a couple years ago emailed me this sermon and it helped me to see that there is nothing to be ashamed of and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know that during this tough time is is very real to be going through “dark nights of the soul” but it is nothing to be ashamed of.