I’m indecisive, I admit it. I have a hard time making decisions. I don’t trust myself, I care to much about what others say. I am indecisive. In the book that I’ve been reading (and most of my recent posts have been about) Love Beyond Reason by John Ortberg. In the section that I read recently (by the time I get a chance to post I’m already a chapter ahead of what I’m posting about. So I’ve missed alot of good stuff, so you should really read the book yourself.) But He goes into detail about the parable of the two houses, the one on the rock & the one on the sand. What he says is the two things th
e same about the both of them is: Both built a house, and both had storms. We all build a house.
The problem is . . am I building my own house if I’m making decisions based on what others are going to think, or am I building them a house. Either way, I will have to account for how my house was made, what materials I used. A.K.A my attitude and the content I let into my brain and the decisions that I make.
John says “Here are some signs that I am failing to take responsibility for my own house:
- I am overly eager to please. I find myself looking for others’ approval to validate my choices.
- I can’t decide I lack clarity on what it is I truly is think is right or good or even enjoyable. I waver and hesitate to commit.
- I am anxious. A little criticism from the wrong source leaves me defeated.
- I lack integrity. Instead of freely saying what I believe, I calculate and adjust my words to fit more closely with what I think the other person wants to hear.”
I’ve recently been learning everything there is in my life that I need to fix, and it can be very overwhelming. I feel like I’m acquiring this big list of things that I do wrong, that I need to get right. I guess the only thing I can do is get closer to God and the closer to him I get the more like him I become. If I focus on trying to do it on my own, I might fix that area but in the process I make another area that needs to be fixed. It doesn’t matter the people I please, the only one I should want to please and need to please is GOD. Have I done his will?